2 Duck Breasts – Skin on
Kosher Salt – 1 Tsp per 100g meat
Brown Sugar – 2 Tsp per 100g meat
Paprika – 1/8 Tsp per 100g meat
Black Pepper – 1 Tsp per 100g meat
Juniper Berries – 2 per 100g meat
Nutmeg – 1/8 Tsp per 100g meat
Ground Mace – 1/8 Tsp per 100g meat
Salumi Banquet Bag – Small – 1 bag per 2 breasts

1- Score duck breast skin deeply to allow the dry cure to penetrate to the meat.
2- Mix all dry cure ingredients thoroughly. Cover duck breasts entirely, thoroughly rubbing into all folds, scores and crevices.
3- Place in an air-tight zip-lock bag and place in the fridge for 7 days. Turn every 24 hours.
4- Remove from bag and rinse thoroughly.
5- Place into the bottom corners of the Banquet Bags, vacuum and seal.
6- Place in the fridge and allow to age for 4 – 6 weeks / approx 35% weight loss.
7- Slice as finely as possible and enjoy!


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